Carin Eklund, our new CFO
Our new CFO is Carin Eklund, with a background as CFO, finance manager and business controller from the medtech, healthcare, and the construction industry. She loves being in nature, especially in the Swedish mountains, where she enjoys taking loooong runs.

Hi Carin, how’s it going?
– A lot. And good. New systems, new colleagues, and not least all the abbreviations that are used, says Carin with a smile.
– It can be a bit challenging being new, but my experienced team in the finance department supports me in case I get stuck.
What are you focusing on right now?
– Right now, it’s the quarterly financial closing and the group’s budgets for 2025. It gives me a flying start, which I enjoy. Also, it provides a good insight into the business and the challenges and opportunities we face.
What made you apply for the CFO position with us?
– The foundation of OrganoClick’s entire business idea is to contribute to a better environment every day. It certainly felt exciting to be part of this green journey and to change the future for the better. Plus, I was attracted to the role of CFO in a publicly listed company with the responsibilities it entails.
So, two months in on your new job, is there anything else you think is particularly good?
– The fact that we have our own Research and Development, production, sales, and several own brands. There are many knowledgeable colleagues here, and I learn new things every day. It’s inspiring.
If you could dream, what would you and we here at OrganoClick achieve in the coming years?
– I hope the green transition in the industry accelerates and that we reach out to more people. Then our green solutions will be in greater demand, and we can contribute even more to a plastic- and toxin-free environment. I also want to help us take that last small step to becoming a profitable company while continuing to grow. Being part of making both an environmentally sustainable and economically viable company is motivating!
Thank you so much, Carin, and good luck in your new green role!
Inspired by nature.