The correction concerns the reference to EU’s market regulation law. The press-release without the reference is published below.

OrganoClick AB (publ)held its Annual General Meeting, 16 May 2019 at the company’s head office in Täby wherethe following resolutions were adopted:

  • It was resolved to adopt the income statement and balance sheet and the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet.
  • It was resolved that the accumulated result was brought forward and balanced in the new accounts according with the proposal of the Board.
  • It was resolved to approve discharge from personal liability for the members of theBoard of Directors and the CEOfor their administration.
  • It was resolved that the Board of Directors will have five ordinary board members.
  • It was resolved in accordance with the nomination committee’s proposal to pay a fixed feeof SEK 400.000 to the Chairman of theBoard and a fixed fee of SEK 100.000 to the other ordinary members of the Board, intotal a fee of SEK 800.000 to the Board, andthat theAuditors’ fee’s will be paid in accordance with current approved invoicing.
  • It was resolved in accordance with the nomination committees proposal to re-elect Jan Johansson, Armando Córdova, Håkan Gustavson and Claes-Göran Beckeman as board members. In accordance with the nomination committees proposal, Jan Johansson was re-elected as Chairman of the Board.
  • It was resolved in accordance with the nomination committees proposal to re-elect Deloitte AB as auditors until the annual general meeting2020, with authorized public accountant Therese Kjellberg as auditor in charge.
  • It was resolved to adopt thenomination procedure andelection of nomination committee according to the proposal in thenotice to the annual general meeting.
  • It was resolved to adopt the boards proposal toauthorise the Board of Directors during the period until the next annual general meeting, on one or more occasions, to resolve on a new issue of shares, stock options, or convertible bonds with or without deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights to be paid in cash, in kind or by right of set-off.

Thereafter, the CEO held a presentation were the previous years activities and result were presented and an outlook for 2019 according to the attached presentation.

It was given notice that all resolutions were taken unanimously.

OrganoClick AB (publ)

The Board of Directors


For more information, please contact:

Mårten Hellberg

CEO OrganoClick AB

phone: +46 (0)8-684001 10



About OrganoClick

OrganoClick AB (publ) is a public Swedish cleantech company listed on Nasdaq First North. The company develops, produces and markets functional materials based on environmentally friendly fiber chemistry. Examples of products that are marketed by OrganoClick are the water-repellent fabric treatment OrganoTex®, the flame and rot-resistant timber OrganoWood®, green biocomposites branded OrganoComp®, biobinders for nonwoven materials and BIOkleen®s cleaning and maintenance products for house and home. OrganoClick was founded in 2006 as a commercial spin-off company based on research performed at Stockholm University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences within environmentally friendly fiber chemistry. OrganoClick has won a number of prizes, such as “Sweden’s Most Promising Start -up” and “Sweden’s Best Environmental Innovation”, and has also received a number of awards, such as the WWF “Climate Solver” award and has also appeared for two years on the Affärsvärldens and NyTekniks list of Sweden’s top 33 hottest technology companies. OrganoClick has its head office, production and R&D located in Täby, north of Stockholm. OrganoClick’s Certified Adviser on Nasdaq First North is Erik Penser Bank, phone: +46 (0)8 463 83 00, email: