OrganoClick winner of Clean Equity Monaco Award given out by H.S.E Prince Albert II of Monaco

Among the participants wererepresentatives from Monaco based family offices, private banks, VC-companies, the Monaco government and H.S.E. Prins Albert II which handed out the price and chaired the competition jury. OrganoClick was in particular acknowledged for its work with commericalisation and supplying renewable and compostable material solutions which can replace plastics in single-use consumer products.
“We are very proud and honoured that our green chemistry and renewable material technologies are acknowledged on this international level. To receive this pricefromPrinceAlbert II means a lot to us.An event at this level gives us a lot of important contacts within Monaco’s financial industry and government”, saysMårten Hellberg, CEO atOrganoClick.
To read more, seeClean Equity Monaco’s homepage