Lia Hul, new as Product Development Engineer
This is Lia Hul. She is currently comparing two different biobased binder formulations for testing. Lia, who comes from Germany, completed her master’s program at KTH, the largest institution in Sweden for technical education and research. After that, she did her thesis project with us, and now she has been hired as a product development engineer. We are so happy for that!

What made you want to come to Sweden and continue your studies?
– I had read quite a bit about Swedish industry and the green transition here. Sweden is a bit ahead of Germany when it comes to environmental issues. Plus, I wanted to study abroad. KTH’s master’s program in Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology seemed exciting.
– Getting to discover Swedish nature also attracted me. In Sweden, nature is always close by. Lots of forests and water, which I really enjoy.
And then you found us?
– I was looking for a Stockholm-based company with a strong focus on sustainability in combination with Biotechnology. There were only a few companies that met the requirement. One of them was OrganoClick.
What did you work on during your thesis?
– I developed a process to extract a polymer from a by-product from the food industry. It was both challenging and exciting to start a project from scratch. On one hand, you have all the possibilities, but on the other, it makes it hard to decide where to begin.
And now you have a job here. How does that feel?
– Of course, I’m very happy about it. What we do here is unique and groundbreaking. Contributing to the industry’s green transition feels privileged.
– For me, it’s also exciting to be part of a Swedish company with flat hierarchies and a lot of responsibility right from the start. This is very different from the traditional German corporate culture.
What exactly are you working on now?
– I’m continuing to develop the raw material project which was my thesis project. Together with other colleagues here in R&D, I’m also further developing our binders so that they can be applied in even more areas.
If you could dream, what would you and we here at OrganoClick achieve in the next few years?
– Just because we know and understand something doesn’t mean we know and understand everything. Nature is very complex, and there is so much more to learn from it, as we need to live with nature, not against it. That’s what we strive for here: to start from nature’s conditions, and it would be fantastic to replace plastics and harmful chemicals globally with our innovations.
– For my own part, it would be a dream to succeed with the extraction process I’m working on to produce the raw materials we need for our biobased products on a large scale.
Thank you, Lia, and welcome to OrganoClick!
Inspired by nature.