Privacy Policy OrganoClick Group
The OrganoClick Group with legal entities OrganoClick AB (publ), OrganoWood AB and Biokleen Miljökemi AB(hereinafter “OrganoClick Group”) respect your privacy and the right to control your personal information. We will be open with what information we collect and why, and we will protect it as securely as possible.
OrganoClick Group Policy describes what information we collect, the purpose for which they are collected, how tocontrol your personal information and how to contact us. This Privacy Policy applies to the use of web pages andservices that are included on a website administered by OrganoClick Group and in any other contact with us.OrganoClick Group is responsible for the protection of personal data and digital privacy in accordance with these conditions and is responsible for processing according to current legislation.
For our current or previous customer, anyone who has contacted us, entered into an agreement with us or who weconsider to be interested in our information and services, we summarize below what personal data we collect, howand why. You also get answers to what’s happening on the site during your visit or when you come in contact with us in other ways:
- We collect personal data based on your and the industry’s usefulness as a legitimate interest
- We collect personal data to comply with agreements or other legal obligations.
- We do not collect sensitive personal data, but only personal data about people as their functions / professions. For example, CEO, owner or other leading position and other positions in sales, markets, product departments, purchases, etc. on companies that are or should be interested in OrganoClick Group and / or our products.
- For individuals no sensitive personal information is stored, only contact information.
- We track your web activity and can use it for market purposes.
- We collect personal information on special occasions for market communications, product
information and customer communications
- We process specified personal data by saving them in integrated systems, for example, CRM system or businesssystem
- We perform automatic profiling based on web activity, and your profile can be used for market purposes
We collect information from you or register your personal information in connection with:
- When you enter your name and e-mail address on one of our websites.
- If you contact us via email, phone, our websites and social media.
- If you sign up for any of the organizational group’s newsletters.
About cookies
Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make a user experience more efficient. The law states that we may store cookies on your device if they are absolutely necessary to use this site. For all other purposes, yourconsent is required.
Our websites use different types of cookies. Certain cookies are placed by third party services that appear on ourpages. Your consent applies to the following domains: www.organowood.com, www.organoclick.com, www.organotex.com, www.biokleen.se
We use device identifiers to customize content and ads to users, provide social media features, and analyze ourweb-traffic. We also forward such identifiers and other information from your device to social media and advertising and analytics companies we collaborate with. These trusted companies can be located both inside and outside ofthe EU. These may, in turn, combine the information with other information that you have provided or that they havecollected after using their services. We do not sell any customer information to third parties.
Legal basis, storage and disclosure of personal data
By submitting data to the OrganoClick Group, you grant your permission to register and store the specified personalinformation for the specified purposes. As a legal basis for treatment, the OrganoClick Group will refer to thefulfillment of agreements, fulfill a legal obligation, legitimate interest or consent. If the OrganoClick Group uses legitimate interest as a basis, it will only be done for the purposes stated in our policy.
Please note that, at any time, you can revoke your consent by contacting us, for contact details, see the headingHow to contact us.
The treatment is in accordance with current legislation and means that personal data are not retained for a longer period than necessary due to the purpose of the treatment. The OrganoClick Group will store your personalinformation as long as you are a customer with us or have another relationship with us in accordance with thepurposes we describe in our policy.
Personal data related to customers, former customers and potential customers are treated in a similar manner as described above, i.e. as long as the person remains in the company and has any relevant role in sales, market, administration, purchasing, etc. and we believe they are relevant in accordance with the purposes we describe inour policy, their personal data are stored. Persons whose personal data we process may, of course, resign from useof these data at any time for
marketing purposes.
A registered person is entitled to have their personal data deleted if they are no longer necessary for
the purposes for which they were processed or if the registrant withdraws his consent in cases where the treatmentis based on consent. The data subject also has the right to delete personal data if they have been processed illegallyor to comply with a legal obligation under Union or national law. For legal requirements, such as the Accounting Act,personal data may need to be stored in accordance with applicable legislation. All handling of personal data alwaysensures high security and confidentiality.
Your rights and choices
You have rights regarding your personal information and you are able to influence your information and what issaved. The OrganoClick Group will, on its own or the customer’s initiative, correct the information that is found to beincorrect. You can also at any time request that your data should be deleted or that its use is limited by contacting us(for contact routes see the heading “Contact”). If you believe your rights are not respected by us, please contact the OrganoClick Group or contact the Data Inspection (datainspektionen@datainspektionen.se).
You may at any time waive (in whole or in part) from receiving marketing communications from us by contacting us orby unsubscribing from further communications in the email or newsletter we send to you. You are always welcome tocontact us to help you change the kind of communication you want or to unsubscribe from all information from us.
We do not sell any customer information to third parties. OrganoClick saves its information within the EU. Theaccounting data are stored in Sweden or in a country approved by the Swedish Tax
Agency. You can, once a year, receive free information about the personal data registered, by sending us a request for a registry extract from the OrganoClick Group. Your written request will be sent to the mailing address below andmust be signed by you personally. We are committed to meeting your request within a month. If a request iscomplicated, the time will be extended by two months and we will inform you about the extension and the reason forit. Within three months you have the right to receive your registry extract.
Briefly about GDPR
The Data Protection Ordinance is sometimes called short for GDPR which stands for the General Data ProtectionRegulation. The regulation came into force on May 25, 2018 and replaced the Swedish Personal Information Act (PUL).
The GDPR was introduced because individuals wanted and will have more control over how their personal data is used and because the EU wants to make it easier for companies to do business within European borders.
Links to other sites
In the occurence that our website contains links to third party websites or materials published by third parties, theselinks are for information purposes only. As the OrganoClick Group lacks control over the content of these websites orits materials, we are not responsible for its content. The OrganoClick Group is not responsible for any damages or losses that may arise from the use of these links.
How to contact us
For further information about personal data management or if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at the following addresses:
OrganoClick AB (publ)
Linjalvägen 9
187 66 Täby
Tel: +46 (0)8 674 00 80
E-post: info@organoclick.com
OrganoWood AB
Linjalvägen 9
187 66 Täby
Tel: +46 (0)8 674 00 80
E-post: info@organowood.com
Biokleen Miljökemi AB
Box 175
567 24 Vaggeryd
Tel: +46 (0)522 339 90
E-post: info@biokleen.se
This policy applies from 2018-05-25