Corporate Governance:
General meeting

The Annual General Meeting is the supreme decision-making body, and according to the Articles of Association it must be held within six months of the financial year’s end. All shareholders registered in the share register on the date of the meeting who have notified the company of their participation in time are entitled to attend the meeting and vote for the total number of shares.

Notice of the Annual General Meetings shall be given by announcement in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar and by announcement on the company’s website. Notice shall simultaneously be published in Dagens Industri and Notice, minutes, communiqués and other materials for meetings will be published on the website.

General meeting 2024

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2024 of OrganoClick AB (publ) (556704-6908) will be held on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at 17.00, at OrganoClick’s head office and production facility, Linjalvägen 9, 187 66 Täby.

Below you find the Notice of the AGM with the Agenda and Motions.

Previous presentations

Performance materials.
Inspired by nature.